A message to our funders

This Project was organised by AK Austria and funded by the EU Youth in Action Programme in partnership with Momentum World (www.momentumworld.org)

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Group Development

It always amazes me just how powerful a tool for learning and development an international youth exchange can be.

2 days ago the group were strangers unable to look each other in the eyes. Last night some great friendships had been built and without help participants were teaching each other words from their languages, laughing and joking but really starting to understand differences and explore each others cultures.

As an educationalist I ask myself why isn't this approach embedded into mainstream education. I believe more is learnt on projects like this in 5 days than 3-4 months of sitting at a desk in a classroom. I also believe I could back this up with evidence gathered over 20 years of international work. Some of this includes:

Language skills
Geography skills
Personal development
Listening skills
Taking responsibility
Problem solving

The list could go on.

What is important is these young people have starting their international journey and whilst ever there are organisations like Momentum World, AK and programmes like Youth In Action participants are being prepared for life in the real world and developing skills that 21st century employers are looking for.


  1. Hi guys,
    very, very impressed about your work!
    Very glad that the AK is hosting all this Tyrolean and English kids for such an enriching exchange!
    The very best for the following days!!

  2. "I believe more is learnt on projects like this in 5 days than 3-4 months of sitting at a desk in a classroom" - I agree!
